
Living Your Best Life With GRACE

Lyceum's GRACE Personal Leadership Development Program


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Our Courses


GRACE Foundational Course (CLICK HERE)

This is the foundational course, which will provide the learners the basic steps to start their own journey of personal development to become the best version of themselves to live their best life.


We believe that a Best Life is a life where you achieve mastery and fulfillment in the following dimensions: Health (physical, mental and emotional), Relationships (family, friends, co-workers and communities), Career and Finance (the work we do and financial abundance to live a comfortable life), and Purpose (an absolute clarity of what is the life that you are meant to live – your spiritual dimension).

We believe that each of us has the power to choose the lens in our mind on how we process the information around us and how we interpret events happening to us in such a way that it empowers us to overcome any challenges encountered in life. Choosing the lens of GRACE is our way-of-life.

Dr. Anhlan Nguyen — Author of the bestseller book "Living in GRACE - Living Your Best Life Now!"

Being born as a human being is a tremendous blessing that we need to honor throughout our life. We are committed to live our life with a daily practice of gratitude toward self, toward others (people, things, events) and toward the whole planet (nature, environment). We are committed to develop and maintain an attitude of gratitude toward life, regardless of what circumstances we are in. This practice of gratitude is the foundational anchor of our practice of living in GRACE.

Building on the first value of Gratitude, we are committed to honor the value of respect in 3 major perspectives: Respect our own self as a magnificent human being that deserves self-love, self-care and self-confidence; Respect others with acceptance, compassion and empathy; and Respect the environment where we are living in. 

Building on the prior two values Gratitude and Respect, we are committed to take 100% ownership of our own thoughts, emotions and actions in order to create the best life experiences for ourselves regardless of our current circumstances. We are committed to continuously improving our life through daily practice of reflection, monitoring our actions toward our own goals.

we are committed to be willing to confront fears, uncertainties, and pains by focusing on our inner strength and the passion of living our dream life so that we can persevere in any circumstances. Honoring this value of courage does not mean we do not have fear, but it means that we are willing to hold our fear of failure on one hand and the dream of our best life on the other hand and ready to take the leap into the future. 

We are committed to honor this value by wholeheartedly contributing our gifts and talents in a way that benefits our communities and the natural environment. We are committed to take daily actions toward achieving our goals in all dimensions of our life to truly engage with life, every moment of living, with compassion, kindness, and grace.

What Our Students Have to Say

In the past 7 weeks, I started a new journey by doing the GRACE Foundational Course. Throughout the weeks, I had the opportunity to shift my focus on better self-care for myself by going through and reflecting on the GRACE mindset. I have noticed a shift in my overall mind-body connection by practicing GRACE and I feel this has opened up a new path in life for myself, as I feel greater peace, calmness, increased focus on my goals and better communication with my friends, family, and colleagues.
Laura Lannon
The journey of unfolding with GRACE has been great! The concepts integrated well with the practices I have already in place in my life. Transition is about putting in the work and commitment to create a better mindset which leads to a different perspective which leads to living from your heart and soul. The only person who could be responsible for themselves is you. It’s your choice on how you want to lead your life. In every minute you have a decision on how you want to live…in reaction or attraction.
Cristina Spagnuolo
Over the past 7 weeks, I’ve noticed and learned the followings: how to be more grateful when my life gives me plenty of reasons to live, giving myself the utmost respect and not putting myself down, accountable for my SWOT by accepting my flaws and imperfections, having the courage to stand up and face the uncomfortable reality and building a community of practice by enriching my personal and professional development to contribute to the growing community.
Leyna Vo
I certainly recommend Living in GRACE a 5-step personal development program designed by Dr Anhlan Nguyen. The benefits of the Grace Program are multiple, the main ones being within a very supportive community, an excellent coaching system & a loving buddy match. It definitely has impacted my present life trajectory, thus feeling much more hopeful & confident to continue the journey on my own thanks to such a blessed springboard.
Natasha Lotus
Practicing the GRACE mindset has been transformative for me. It has helped me refine, discover, nurture, grow, transform, and connect with some things about my mindset.
Markus Hua
After 7 weeks of GRACE, I believe there is no such thing as to ‘become’. To me, GRACE is about becoming and if you truly live with GRACE, you are forever becoming and you only truly ‘become’ when you return to ashes and dust to dust.
Thien Nhien Luong
GRACE has helped me to build a stronger relationship with myself, enabling me to gain more awareness through self-reflection and self-development. Working with each component of the GRACE values and integrating them into my life has shifted my focus in all areas of my life. A reminder to practice good habits daily and take responsibility for my actions
Rachel Pigott
This course has changed me. In the past, I practiced GRACE for myself, but as I grew through the course, I was more decisive in practicing GRACE for myself and my children. Practicing GRACE does not limit in thinking and practicing it yourself. It’s about creating a supportive environment for you and others to make GRACE real life values.
Lily Trang Pham