
Communication First Aid

Communication First Aid

👉 Navigating interpersonal communication is challenging under “normal” conditions and can be even more challenging during this twilight zone called the COVID era. We are all experiencing significant change around us and working to identify new ways to navigate relationships in confined quarters – prompted by “stay-at-home” orders.

Learning how to effectively engage in healthy interpersonal communication requires (1) understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information as well as; (2) listening in a way that gains the full meaning of what is being said and makes the other person feel heard and understood. The conditions of our current environment by default has propelled us into facing those communication challenges that we may have avoided or deferred for some finite time.

► Presenter: Dr. Veronica Powell
► Host: Lyceum Global

► Guest Speaker: Dr. Veronica Powell, PhD, LPC, CCTP, MAC, SAP, PC www.measures4successllc.com

Measures4Success is your “gateway to a multi-dynamic” organization that will provide you with resources and services to meet your needs in the areas of behavioral health, executive/life/psychological health & wellness coaching, substance abuse professional services, critical incident stress management, training and organizational development. We at Measures4Success strives to provide you with the highest quality and effective services built on integrity, quality, trust, confidence, and customer satisfaction across the globe. It is our belief that “Your Best Interest -Is- Our Best Interest.”

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