
Yogic Wisdom for Empowerment

Yogic Wisdom for Empowerment

👉 You are invited to join Simi Pothen, a Yoga Alliance registered Yoga Instructor who loves sharing the practice of Yoga and Meditation that can benefit your physical health, ease our daily stress, transform struggles, and improve our overall well-being.

The workshop will include a few exercises that you can do along with the presenter.

► Presenter: Simi Pothen
► Host: Lyceum Global

► Simi Pothen is a Yoga Alliance registered Yoga Instructor, the founder and owner of Third Eye Fitness and Stream Yoga Now.  Simi is known for her authentic, mindful teaching style and compassion-centered philosophy. She weaves mindfulness and meditations throughout her classes, applying yogic wisdom to our modern busy lives in a useful and practical way.

She currently teaches and streams yoga classes on www.streamyoganow.com

► You can also connect with her via YouTube 

► Facebook @thirdeyefitnessofficial 

► Instagram @thirdeyefitness_official

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